Friday, 5 August 2016

Expect the unexpected

Sometimes, life throws you a curve ball, and what can you do? Depending on what the situation is, and the magnitude of the shock at the time of revelation, was it totally unexpected?

I refer to my diagnosis of Young Onset Parkinsons disease 12-7-2012, for me this was an immense shock. I knew nothing about Parkinsons. Thinking back, the signs were there a long time before the diagnosis.... as long as six years before I had pins hand needles in my left hand, I remember this because I was making craft for a school fete with a wonderful group of women at the time. Too busy to think more of a tiny thing like pins and needles. The next thing was a sore, stiff left shoulder and restricted movement, twas not a big deal just a minor inconvenience. In 2011, I realised my walking was a little different but didn't analyse it too much, the big thing was yet to come. My sister and I went to a play, I cant remember the name of it, the night we went there was a large group of hearing impaired people in the audience and AUSLAN signing. Clapping was not the way to show appreciation, it was both hands being waved in a fast fashion. I tried this, but only my right hand could move, the left wouldn't, I looked at it and willed it to move. Nothing! Very soon after I went to the doctor and asked for a referral to a good physiotherapist and a scan for my shoulder. The scan showed only a minor issue, the Physio put me through strength tests and walking and asked,  "How long have you had a limp?" and said she was pretty sure the problem was either a slight stroke or Parkinsons and I must go back to the GP and get a referral for a Nuerologist. Oh how I cried that night. The GP read the letter from the Physio and got me to walk around a bit, and said "no I don't see it, no not Parkinsons". I insisted on a referral to a Nuerologist. After a wait of three months for an appointment with a Nuerologist, the diagnosis of Idiopathic Young Onset Parkinsons was given, a prescription and the news that if the medication worked it was the only way of confirming diagnosis. No other information, no promised book. So much crying ensued, but not till I got outside the office. The story is similar for many for my friends living with Parkinsons. That's why I talk about it and write about it.
In 1969, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross outlined in her book, "On Death and Dying" the five stages of grief: Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. I believe I have come through all that and onto acceptance.

Wednesday Radioparkies show: Whistle Songs Part 2

Fabulous playlist on Whistle Songs Part 2, why so fabulous? It's the input from my friends that makes such a diverse and fun list. Special guest, 60 year old Mick Bourke from Central Coast, New South Wales. I call him 'strongman' because he can hold a plank for 40 minutes. What's his secret? Amazing core strength and mental fortitude. Do you remember the old Ab Roller or Ab Wheel? Was it was a K-Tel product? Mick has Parkinsons, has done a lot of body rebuilding and is training for a World Record attempt for a Weighted Plank at the upcoming NSW Unity Walk. Below is a link to his fundraising page. Good luck Mick.
Friday Radioparkies show: The N List - Never give up

Let your voice be heard!! Share your PD story, it really is helpful to hear others perspectives.

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