Sunday 3 September 2017

_ _ it just got real     Why? Read on                                                    

Parkinson’s is a complex disease, here are some ways  to manage Parkinson’s symptoms. Note, the word is managing not reversing, arresting, or stopping.   We live in a big country, even though Australia has a good health care system there are many regional areas without Pd specialists or Pd nurses. Self care is necessary,  in one year, most People living with Parkinson’s spend 1 hour in neurological healthcare and 8,765 hours in self-care. So get into life and learn about how to monitor your Parkinson’s. No one else will be doing it for you. 
Be Master of your own ship.
Some things I have found:

Exercise – Walking with BIG movements, PDWarrior, Dance for Parkinson’s, Pedaling for Parkinson’s.  Exercise is medicine.
Research – being involved in clinical research programs formulates relationships with health professionals whose innovative ideas assist PLwP. 
Activities and fun – hobbies, creative interests, weekly groups, learning opportunities. Art and crafts, painting, woodwork. Mental health is greatly improved with participation in choirs, group projects and being creative.  Music is a definite mood changer; has opened a world of opportunities.
Meditation and mindfulness – Being present in the moment and focus on the smaller things that sometimes go unnoticed, like the trees outside the window when you are washing up.  Setting aside time to concentrate on what is happening now, the breath. Drawing and colouring, puzzles and gardening.

We need choice
Introducing: Parkinson’s Fighters United Inc.
Bringing Non Contact Boxing and other activities to Brisbane’s Parkinson’s population.
A newly formed Not For Profit Organization whose mission is to improve the lives of Queenslanders living with Parkinson’s Disease through the provision of a targeted non-contact boxing program.

Where did this idea come from?
Back in 2013 I visited the World Parkinson’s Congress in Montreal, having applied for and awarded a travel grant to assist my Poster Presentation in the category of Living well with Parkinson’s. My paper “Accessibility to Parkinson’s Specific Exercise” recognized the shortage of affordable Parkinson’s specific exercise programs and activities available in Brisbane. Being able to get out of the house and wanting to participate only to find that exercise groups are oversubscribed and at inappropriate facilities e.g., hospitals, is a barrier to better health.
On the way home through Dallas I attended a Parkinson’s specific Non Contact boxing class at Fort Worth run by Paulie Ayala, a boxing champ from USA.
In 2016, the 4th World Parkinson’s Congress in Portland, Rock Steady Boxing Non Contact Boxing was very popular in the Renewal Room. Matt and I were part of a large group of PLwP, supporters, Physios etc. all getting sweaty whilst punching, ducking and weaving. For me it was one of the highlights of the WPC, feeling the Parkie power, seeing the smiles on all the faces and feeling the sense of belonging.
Back in Brisbane with renewed energy and increased verve to make it a reality for people with Parkinson’s here. The barriers that existed to this becoming reality fell in July, resigning from a role that I had no longer any patience for. Making way for positivity and hope. The Team that is making it real is a group of women with Pd; they care about making change happen and want more choice. Striving for better health and providing opportunities for improved outcomes for Queenslanders’ with Parkinson’s.  It is refreshing to hear YES!!

More about Parkinson’s Fighters United Inc. as the group gets into action. The group is an Incorporated Association; a launch party will be happening soon, the PFU Inc logo is being created, a location announcement, public awareness and publicity.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

In New York it seems like there's no Monday or Saturday or Sunday. The town is always moving. The vibe is great. 

-Thierry Henry

I am sorry if you have not been to New York City, it is a special place and I think there is not anyplace exactly like it.  I love NY.

It is a place where you get out of a cab, look around and you are instantly familiar with the area.... you have seen many movie scenes on the Courthouse steps, admired dozens of sunsets from the Brooklyn Bridge and crammed onto countless rides on the Subway. Millions  have swaggered down the numbered streets both East and West, admiring stylish buildings with doormen and mysterious inhabitants. 
What to do first?! Well there is not much time to recover from an inordinately long flight and there is so much to see, I don't usually limit myself but being a woman with Parkinsons I know how to take it down a cog or two or three and ease into a new environment. The first hour we battled the freeway traffic in a cab from JFK airport to our accommodation near Columbus Circle, that night we dined at the small restaurant next to our very humble hotel. This is where it hits us. New Yorkers are LOUD and after a drink or two they don't mind who hears their opinions, problems, issues and ideals. Fortunately the bar is long and narrow and the louder patrons are towards the front, then a woman who looks like Woody Allen's sister and her companion arrive and so does their quarrel. The two are intensely going over the situation, he is affronted due to waiting two hours for her. We don't hear her response and the ensuing discussion but it escalates and Ms Allen is left alone at the table, the man is outside and agitated. The police quickly arrive and the man is taken away. Apparently he is not on his medication.  This is a surprise to us.  The waitress says this is normal. Wouldn't happen in Australia. 
New York is safe and easy to get acquainted with the streets and subways, everyone is helpful and friendly in a busy noncommittal way. The first morning we meet Andy and Chrissy our radioparkies DJ friends and walk the short distance to the Number 1 attraction in NYC, Central Park. It is majestic, glorious and a magnificent place for the people to enjoy, we hire a row boat for $US15, it's a magical hour on the lake. Seeing the city skyline from the quiet watery perspective akin to a bubble. We see squirrels, dogs, regular park visitors, big groups and small, bubble blowers, hot dog sellers and acrobatic buskers extolling their virtues to the crowd in a non-bashful exhibition of athleticism and fun. 
That night we: Andy, Chrissy, Matt and I take the train to New Jersey to have a meatball party with DJ Laura, and her family, DJ Pete and DJ Jimmy. Our hosts collect us from the station stopping on our way at the famous Del Ponte's Bakery to buy cannoli, the shop is bursting with fancy cakes, cookies and Italian pastries, bread and rolls. We enjoy a wonderful meal, many laughs and drinks, the night goes by so quickly. We fill DJPete's car and are transported back to NYC. It's a wonderful place to be.

Sunday 12 March 2017

World Parkinson's Awareness Day #UniteForParkinsons

Tuesday 11 April, 2017 marks the 200th year since Parkinsons has become a recognised health condition. Major Parkinsons' organisations around the world will unite to create impact so amazing that people will stop and learn more about Parkinsons and what it is, the early signs and what the symptoms are. Why is it important? 
Young Onset Parkinsons disease. Parkinsons can affect anyone at any age and people in their early twenties have been diagnosed with Pd. I was diagnosed at 46, it was very straight forward, I was in the specialists room for about 10 minutes and was told very bluntly - textbook case, idiopathic Parkinsons disease, you didn't search Dr Google? I will give you a book that explains it. Do you think I got the book? 
My world was turned upside down. I was healthy, just a bit stiffer than I used to be,  and there was something about my walking that was a bit odd, the loss of dexterity was weird to me as I had used my hands to sew patchwork and stitch embroidery for many years. The biggest sign which actually scared me the most was the fact that both my hands wouldn't move on command, the right hand did what I wanted and the left hand was not participating like it was supposed to. Having no previous knowledge of Parkinsons I didn't realise that what was happening...when walking my left arm was not swinging and my left foot was not stepping correctly so the heel was dragging. Since then, gait training and medication has helped get my swing back and my foot lifting properly most times except for when the medication has worn off or when tiredness is a factor. Tremor is there too, it is called a resting tremor, isn't that fun? So when resting that's when the shakes can come, not good when trying to get to sleep. Not everyone has the shakes and medication can help alleviate this symptom. Relax...easier said than done. 
Medication on time, every time. In some cases when people with Parkinsons go to hospital their medication is taken off them and dispensed at the hospitals' regular medication time. This is horrific for people with pd whose medication is at specific times, most people with pd can feel the medication wearing off at least 30 minutes before the next dose is due. Education in hospitals is vital.
Moving strangely. People with Parkinsons can move a bit oddly, extra movement is called dyskinesia. I have friends who say they can't walk in a crowded space without whacking people with an uncontrollable arm. Likewise the foot won't do what is taken for granted, just step, it looks unbelievable.  A dear friend had dyskinesia so bad she would fall off a chair very easily. Imagine that. Control is gone. Rigidity and Bradykinesia or slowness of movement is another symptom, it feels like moving through thick mud when doing automatic tasks. 

Why is WPAD important? 

We need greater understanding of this complex health condition that affects so many in our communities world wide. 

Look at the website for information and printable materials, use #UniteForParkinsons in social media

I didn't get the book but I hope you get the message.