Sunday, 14 June 2020

Dig it up

 How does your garden grow?

Growing up in the ’70s in Brisbane, Australia in the backyard we had: a vegetable patch, compost heap, an incinerator and of course, a Hills Hoist.  It was a place to play backyard cricket, do gymnastics  or at least headstands, plant vegetable gardens and grow things like choko vines, Passionfruit, Paw Paws and Bowen Mangoes if you were lucky. My Parents love gardening,  when we were young, Mum  and Dad planted the front garden with annuals and roses, making a beautiful display outside and inside the house bunches of cut flowers were plentiful. Dad was always in the garden, he made a square shaped compost heap which provided organic matter for the  whole garden and  the rewards were plentiful, there was so much Parsley he supplied the local butcher with attractive garnishes for the shopfront. Radish were my favourite, so peppery and crunchy, the corn, lettuce, tomatoes and potatoes, growing well, just walk out to the garden so convenient. Watering was done with a garden hose and sometimes a sprinkler which in the summer, we loved to run through.

During the  perplexing COVID19 shutdown, we found a time to contemplate our surroundings and dream of a different way to live, an imminently more satisfying way to provide for ourselves. Spending time on enhancing our sub tropical garden and more time at home lead to planning a vegetable patch,  to grow our own produce has always been dream.

Wicking beds are water efficient gardening, drought resistant and a sort of upside down method of watering.
The hip height bay in our yard to provides a ledge and seating to tend the garden. This is imperative for me, living with  Parkinson's makes crouching down a difficult manoeuvre. Keeping everything at hand and being organised is vital.
Excited learning about new things.

What will we grow?

Monday, 18 May 2020

Kindness Rocks!

Kindness is doing something and not expecting anything in return. Kindness is respect and helping others without waiting for someone to help one back. It implies kindness no matter what.

It is lovely to be kind and to be the recipient of kindness. Kindness is a special concept ready to help you feel that warm inner glow of goodness and appreciation.

Why are people kind? Is it a soft heart? It could be because the need to feel powerful has gone and is replaced with respect affection and friendliness.

When kindness is present, ego is gone and good riddance. Ego is about self and being preoccupied mostly with the issues that affect oneself.

Being generous with ones time and spirit is a gift for modern times and something to marvel over, initially and then to accept what can be. Much too often in times past it was important to be here, there and everywhere.

A new friend finds joy in painting rocks and giving them, she places the rocks in an obvious public hiding spot or directly to the chosen recipient. The beautiful images that cover the rocks’ smooth surface are sweet and endearing. Just imagine finding a rock with a painting of a baby racoon with flowers on its head. What a gift this woman has to spread joy and happiness!

Recently, a painted rock was mysteriously left in my letterbox, it is decorated with magical swirling red patterns. Now the special gift is nestled in my Fairy Garden at the front corner of our house block. It is a wonderful feeling that someone has been so kind to do this.There are good people doing things that matter are all over the world. A passionate and talented creator of patchwork quilts is on a mission to make and donate to people affected in the tragic and horrific bushfires during the summer in Australia. A friend who is talented with computers, with an ear on the NDIS is helping people who are a little challenged with this field, this intangible gift is most thoughtful and appreciated. Helping others, time freely given and patience all make the world go around.This week is National Volunteers Week in Australia, it's the annual celebration to acknowledge the generous contribution of our nation's volunteers let us take the time to show our gratitude to the many people who choose to work for no pay. Check the website for events.

Kindness Rocks! It is a thing!

Listen to the radio show live  Wednesday 20 May at 19:00 AEST on 

Like DJ Madonna's Radio Show Facebook page

Lorraine Wilson

Painted by  Lorraine Wilson.

Carol Clupny and Charlie on the Tandem

DJ Madonna's Fairy Garden 

The recording of my radio show featuring Carol Clupny, Lorraine Wilson and Andy Butler originally broadcast 20-5-2020, enjoy with abandon.

Friday, 1 May 2020

What the Dickens! I am back.....

What the Dickens! I am back.....

But for how long you are thinking?! Do enjoy it for what it is. 

It is, what it is.

Down an internet rabbit hole and  happened to stumble across my blog and thought why not crank it up again? 
Let me state to begin with, it still seems weird to say 'my blog' even in my head, it's a little like saying my Maserati or my Gucci handbag. It sounds so ostentatious!  The practice of writing thoughts and ideas helps to make sense of this crazy world we live in.  
How often will I write my blog? 
Perhaps a little more often than recently, which has been sporadic to say the least and piss poor to say it straight.

This July 12th will be 8 years, since I was diagnosed at 46 with Idiopathic Young Onset Parkinson's disease, let me break it down. Idiopathic - no known cause. Young Onset - diagnosed under 50. This will be three years after the cure was supposed to be found.
People said, "It's just around the corner", "it's in the labs now, in 5 years it will be on the market". 
Are drug companies interested in a cure, it seems too much money is made from the 10 million people worldwide living with Parkinson's (PLwP).

It is often said to me that the medication is so much better now. This is only uttered by people who have no idea.  The Gold Standard is a 50 year old drug, the more recent medications, agonists, were and still are akin to poison for some people, leading to impulsive behaviour that has wrecked many lives due to gambling, shopping, gaming, sex. 
"Agonists are like your best friend acting nice, but in the bigger picture they have an ulterior motive far more sinister than any benefit that the friendship could ever provide" - the words of someone who has been to hell and back and still climbing out of it.
"For some it works but in my opinion, structured social supports are required that extend way beyond what the medical profession can offer to monitor the participant. These supports need to look for the hidden signals as the participant can very easily deliberately hide the obvious signs. And there is a moral duty of care that isn’t being acknowledged, and those affected are too proud to publicly admit that they fell prey to the fiery forks of the devil disguised. This could never happen to me, I won’t be judged by my friends so I’ll keep it to myself"

The worldwide shortage of all forms of Sinemet has been going on for some time, it will continue to be in short supply until further notice. Sinemet is a widely used Parkinson's medication, marketed by Merck, Sharp & Dohme (Australia) who are keeping doctors informed. The shortage is due to a problem at the manufacturer's level. The patients prescribed this medication are advised to find a substitute. 

This will not be explained away with a nice ending. 

It is what it is. 

My current work in progress, The Cornflower Quilt it is made in the English Paper Piecing method and designed by Jodi Godfrey.  A long term project perfect for the Covid19 lockdown, getting close to one quarter way there.